Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Media Psychologist, and Author
Memoir Writing, Blogging, and Ghostwriting​
This hands-on book that walks you through the process from start to finish of the process of creating and completing a dissertation, thesis, and capstone study is dedicated to you. I was inspired by own positive dissertation study experience after hearing years other peoples' grueling horror stories, I had a great experience as well as online dissertation, thesis, and capstone candidates who taught me what worked in writing. It's the text I use for my courses and dissertation coaching to help with topics such as getting organized, choosing a committee, writing research questions and hypotheses, creating methodologies and literature reviews, data analysis and interpretation, the oral defense, as well as next steps for your study beyond graduation.

I am a proud co-founding editor from 2012 to 2020. Previously known as Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Psychology of Popular Media was one of the first scholarly and peer-reviewed empirical journals that explored how technology and media impacted individual, group, and systemic behavior. Examples of trending articles include the impact of social media on body image, exploration of celebrity fan relationships, as well as the role of video games in violent behavior.

Complex Dynamics of Cancel Culture in the Media
Chapter 17
Humans lose judgment and make bad decisions. Whether it was a live post or a past incident that resurfaced years later, an offensive photo or video that gets posted on social media, which can lead to mean comments, rejection, embarrassment, and perhaps even a loss of job, friends, and membership in society. While some situations might be easily forgivable, others could instantly cancel a person, brand, or business. The purpose of this chapter is to untangle the dynamic and complex construct of Cancel Culture, explore how to get canceled, clarify getting canceled versus being held accountable, identify the roles (Target, Instigator, Trolls, and Bystander) in a cancel situation, describe strategies for preventing and moving on from Cancel Culture, as well as examine the future of Cancel Culture.

20th edition
The EIQ16 is a 25-minute self-report online instrument to assess emotional ability and competency that can be purchased for $19.95 by a respondent in the 16-70 year old range.   It has a feedback report that is immediately available to download at the completion of the instrument and is based on a theoretical foundation, by the seminal founders of Emotional Intelligence, John Mayer, Peter Salovey, and David Caruso. The report is comprehensive and informative. I would generally recommend as a developmental tool for laymen to get a sense of their behavioral emotional intelligence.

Chapter 23
Everyone wants their work group to be the best it can be, whether it's a winning season, meeting quarterly goals, or maintaining high retention rate, productivity looks different to every team. Co-authored with Dr. Felice Tilin, this chapter is a scholarly description of the best practices to consulting with teams. It includes a list of variables associated with group productivity, how to assess and evaluate (collect data from members) a team's effectiveness, facilitating interventions, as well as a case study about a team working in a radio station.

How to Prevent Consumers Breaking Up With Your Brand
This was a review of the book, Brand Hate. No business, brand, or media personality is safe from getting cancelled. We have all seen someone get a rash of negativity on social media. This book provides insight on staying safe from getting beat up by the mob of cybermuscles.

Ride the Wave or Wipe Out
I reviewed the book, The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything. This book was a prediction of how much we could do from our smart phones, which is more than anyone could ever imagine. Thankfully that even post-pandemic we do things in real life with other people.